Since 2012, starburst has been the trusted advisor to the leading global a&d companies
With unique insights into industry needs, new research, cutting edge technology, startup development, and the global market, Starburst clients have the edge in an increasingly competitive landscape.
Global infrastructure and market opportunity are driven by the technology being developed for allied defense, edge communications, future transportation, and the commercialization of space.
Given today’s globalized access to knowledge and the rapid pace of technology development, innovation, speed, and agility are critical. Whether you are working on national security or electrification and automation, you can’t afford to fall behind.

Product-Market Fit Analysis
Market requirements analysis: We can help thoroughly review and update your organization’s product or service value proposition based on industry standards.
Go-To-Market Strategy Definition
Every team’s roadmap is different, we can work with you to size and model the relevant markets, both domestically and internationally, to create the most strategic go-to-market plan possible.
Commercial Due Diligence
Thoroughly analyzing an acquisition target is critical, both on the buy-side and sell-side. We can help investigate their strategic positioning, market dynamics, competitive landscape, risks (incl. technological disruptions), and potential synergies.
Organization Redesign
We’ll work with you to help re-structure your organization, everything from processes, to governance, and tools definition for the most efficient and effective management of innovation.
Creativity Sessions and Hackathons
Foster creativity through preparation and moderation of design thinking sessions & sprints.
State-Of-The-Art Technology Assessment
Custom technology scouting to match a specific problem statement
Learning Expeditions
Visit our network of more than 9,000 aerospace and defense startups around the globe
“Test and learn” Programs
We’ll help facilitate full-scale demonstrations to validate the potential of a given product.
Capitalize on technological innovation and insights
For a company to be successful in the future, the rate of internal innovation must match
the rate of external innovation. But it can be hard (and expensive) to develop disruptive new products within an established company and markets for big innovation are seldom proven in
advance, so how do you stay ahead?
Partnering with Starburst is the fastest way to get strategic and financial rewards from new business models, emerging technologies and disruptive innovation.

Corporate & Government partners support innovation through mentorship, investment, and business ventures.

The aerospace industry is unique. It is critical for national security, and the industry drives technology innovation that spills over to other industrial and commercial sectors. It is the unification of public and private interests, a significant driver of economic growth, and the primary driver of future technology development.
Starburst has developed an extensive toolbox, continuously enriched by new projects across the aerospace ecosystem, exclusive technology insights, and industry investment.
Starburst is the first and only global aerospace accelerator, connecting industry and government with startups while providing strategic innovation and growth consulting for all.
Put your trust in Starburst and stay at the forefront of innovation without the cost and risk of internal R&D efforts. Partner with Starburst co-create and direct the latest capabilities and solutions from the next generation of aviation, space and defense companies.