Our Portfolio

Meet the companies changing how innovation is done in aerospace and defence.

Our Investment Portfolio
Founder Etienne de Verdelhan, Valéry Méary, Agnès Debains
Category Aviation
Location Paris, France

Marketplace connecting travellers to duty-free retailers and travel-related service providers. Customers can browse and securely purchase products on their personal device using inflight

Wi-Fi, even with minimal satellite bandwidth.  Airfree removes the need for having products onboard and can be easily integrated with the systems of retailers, thus allowing for selling a wider range of products than classic inflight retail.

Founder Hadrien Busieau, Nicolas Sczaniecki
Category Aviation
Location Paris, France

Internest develops an embedded positioning system for drones and helicopters that use technological redundancy and dissimilitary to ensure the architecture is robust & resilient.

The solution is based on ultrasound and uses patented sensor fusion techniques and guidance algorithms. Both the sensors and calculators are redundant to ensure reliability at all times.

It allows for landing accurately on any kind of platform (even moving), in any environment (both indoor and outdoor), and in any conditions (night, fog, etc.) with centimetric accuracy.

Founder Janos Opra, Michael Hollenbeck, Clinton Cathey, Robert Smith
Category Space
Location West Jordan, UT

Optisys offers highly integrated products combining RF, antenna design, mechanical design and metal 3D printing to create antennas with short lead times that are 10 times lighter and smaller than current products on the market.

Optisys is developing fully automated design and manufacturing of antennas through AI software that designs antennas within one week using a proprietary antenna software library.

SeRo Systems
Founder Markus Fuchs, Matthias Schäfer
Category Aviation
Location Kaiserslautern, Germany

SeRo Systems has developed an integrity monitoring system for improving both safety and security of ADS-B, aiming at providing military-grade security to civil air traffic surveillance. This is becoming particularly important as ADS-B usage is becoming mandatory throughout the world. The GRX1090 sensor developed by SeRo Systems combines the flexibility and capabilities of software-defined radios with a high-end Mode S/ADS-B sensor. It has a 600km coverage range, Hertz-precision frequency and nanosecond-precision time of arrival measurements.

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